Jammu,21/Aug/2020 : During the period between 01/January/2017 to 03/August/2020 a total of 2664 foreigners have been granted Indian Citizenship that includes foreign nationals from 43 countries across the world, data in this regard has been provided by Citizenship wing (Foreigners Division) of ministry of home affairs, government of India under Right to Information Act to a Jammu based RTI Activist Raman Sharma vide their office letter no. 26027/921/2020-IC_I dated 06/Aug/2020 in response to his an online RTI plea.
The reply given by MHA
reveals that Pakistan tops the lists whose citizens have acquired Indian Citizenship
during the last 4 years out of total 2664 foreigners who applied for Indian
Citizenship over 77 percent of them were Pakistanis i.e. 2063 followed by
Afghanistan, a total of 188 Afghan Nationals acquired Indian Citizenship during
the same period. Bangladeshis Rank 3rd in acquiring Indian Citizenship,
a total of 97 Bangla Nationals had applied and granted Indian Citizenship.
During the current year 2020,
328 Pakistanis, 1 Afghan National and 3
Bangladeshi got Indian Citizenship.
Data further reveals that People
from across the globe have shown interest to become Indians including some from
well resourced countries, as 59 Americans, 19 British, 19
Malaysians, 14 Canadians, 13 Singaporean, 6 Germans, 4 Australians, 3 French, 3
Italians, 2 Chinese, 1 Israeli and 1 Russian Nationals also applied and granted
Indian Nationality from the period 01/Jan/2017 to 03/Aug/2020.
The list of foreign
nationals who got acquired official Indian nationality from 2017 onwards also
include 57 Sri Lankans, 32 Nepalese, 8 Iranians, 2 Zambians, 3 Portuguese, 2
South Africans and once each from Moldova, Jamaica, Eritrea, Chile, Poland, Kazakhstan
and Czech National.
It is pertinent to mention here
that between the period year 2011 to 2016 , a total of 5477 foreigners acquired
Indian Citizenship that includes 2157 Pakistanis, 1461 Stateless, 918 Afghanis,
218 Bangladeshis, 108 Sri Lankans, 66 Iranians, 145 British and 61 Americans and
15 Chinese. Between the period 2011 to
2020, so far 8141 foreigners have been granted Indian Citizenship by the
government of India.
Previous Story on same subject: https://jkrtiact.blogspot.com/2017/03/5477-foreigners-acquired-indian.html
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The Statesman, Pg-1, 23/Aug/2020 |
चार वर्षों में 2664 विदेशियों ने ली भारत की नागरिकता, आरटीआई के जरिए मिली जानकारी
न्यूज डेस्क, अमर उजाला, जम्मू: पिछले चार वर्षों में केंद्रीय गृह मंत्रालय की ओर से 2664 विदेशियों को भारतीय नागरिकता दी गई है। इसमें पाकिस्तान टॉप पर है। इसके 77 फीसदी लोगों ने भारतीय नागरिकता प्राप्त की। जम्मू निवासी रमन शर्मा की ओर से लगाई गई आरटीआई के माध्यम से यह जानकारी दी गई।
आरटीआई में बताया गया कि 43 देशों के 2664 लोगों ने भारतीय नागरिकता ली। इसमें पाकिस्तान के 2063 व 188 अफगानी हैं। बांग्लादेश के 97 लोग हैं। 2020 में अब तक 328 पाकिस्तानी, एक अफगानी और एक बांग्लादेशी को नागरिकता मिली।
जानकारी में यह भी सामने आया है कि बड़े देशों के लोगों ने भी भारतीय बनने में रुचि दिखाई है। अमेरिका के 59, ब्रिटिश के 19, मलेशिया के 19, सिंगापुर के 13, जर्मनी 6, आस्ट्रेलिया के 4, फ्रेंच 3, इटली के 3, चीन के दो, इजरायल के एक और रशिया के एक नागरिक ने भी भारतीय नागरिकता ली।
वहीं 2011 से लेकर 2016 तक 5477 विदेशी लोगों ने भारत की नागरिकता ली है। इसमें 2157 पाकिस्तानी, 1461 स्टेटलेस, 918 अफगानी, 218 बांग्लादेशी, 108 श्रीलंकाई, 66 ईरानी, 164 इंग्लैंड, 61 अमेरिकन व्यक्तियों ने नागरिकता ली।
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Jammu Bulletein 23/Aug/2020 |
Also published in Hindustan Times, Punjab Kesari
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